There is a 3 day international medical conference this autumn on the benefits of treating acne in teenagers by a holistic approach of diet, skin cream preparations, exercise and massage. Some 500 delegates are expected and it is a lot to organise.

Delegates are asked in advance to specify:
- Which days they intend to attend
- Whether they want accommodation provided
- The price band they want to pay for accommodation
- Whether they want meals provided and if so what (and dietary requirements)
- Whether they are arriving by car etc and whether they need car parking provided.
The receive a UBReg (e.g. delegate 477@@medilondon23 which provides all of the following details:
- Entry QR codes to car park, hotel, restaurant and conference venue.
- Active google maps both to reach the car park/venue by their chosen transport and indeed their allocated parking space.
- Their conference seat and again an active map to reach it from the auditorium access or hotel.
- Links to background materials relevant to each lecture being given.
- Links to commentary for delegates feedback.
- Links to what to see and booking sites for the theatre and so on.
In short everything necessary to give the delegate a ‘feather bed’ experience and in addition the conference organisers can update the UBReg at any time so that if the day before the conference starts the car parking arrangements have to change this they can do simply and the delegate is taken to the new location automatically when they use the original UBReg they have been given on the day they travel. This flexibility allows for changes that are otherwise difficult to organise at short notice and very irritating for delegates.
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