Helping older people Imagine a older person in an upstairs flat one dark and wet night with the rain simply tipping… Drone Delivery Ready A Beacon allows you to set or move a location for drone deliveries were postcodes or ordinary addresses… International Conference There is a 3 day international medical conference this autumn on the benefits of treating acne in teenagers… Disaster Relief Tsunami has been onshore and the water has receded yet the roads are gone, the landmarks smashed beyond… Travelling Travelling up glaciers or visiting exotic places? Keep your family, friends or followers up to date daily with… Labelling Keep track of your possessions. Label items with your Beacon address Lost Pets Sam and Sam buy themselves a dog, dear little Remus. They have trouble training him and he is… Family Memories Use your UBReg to store and share families memories or important documents. Collate links to online archives, image… Wedding Planning